
Are these movies appropriate for kids?

Holy Ghost Reborn, Holy Ghost, Father of Lights, Furious Love, Finger of God, and Anointed Fighters have all received Dove ratings that identify each movie as "Faith Friendly" or "Family Approved". These movies are powerful movies about the radical love of God. With this comes some intense stories that may or may not be appropriate for kids of all ages. Here is a short synopses of questionable content:

Holy Ghost Reborn (Approved for AGES 12+) two prostitutes are converted while at an outreach party given by Christians; a few comments about people coming to Brazil for sex; stated how much some girls charge for sexual services. Smoking; man is smoking a marijuana joint while he is ministered to; mention of drugs; mentioned someone is a former alcoholic.  Nudity: Cleavage and some short shorts.  For more detail visit Dove's Review.

Holy Ghost (Approved for AGES 12+) has no sex, very minimal language with one word beeped out, alcohol seen in shots, and mention of drugs. Violence includes seeing a foot being burned and talking about being attacked. Other questionable content include a young man confessing he is haunted by spirits and one woman admitting to seeking out a spiritualist. For more detail visit Dove's Review.

Father of Lights (Approved for ALL AGES) has a couple very brief club scenes and a shot of a woman wearing immodest clothing hanging upside down from a suspended swing; no nudity, no sensuality, no violence, and no underaged drinking. Profanity has been beeped out. There are some conversations about drugs and gang-related violence; drugs are shown but not used. There are also several intense spiritual scenes. For more detail visit Dove's Review.

Furious Love (Approved for AGES 12+) has a club scene with women wearing immodest clothing; no nudity and no underaged drinking. Sensual topics of sex trafficking and homosexuality are discussed. No violence. There is drug abuse and a scene where someone overdoses and is helped by a medical team. There are also scenes addressing intense spiritual warfare including demon possession, witch doctors, and Satanic rituals. For more detail visit Dove's Review.

Finger of God (Approved for AGES 12+) has no profanity, no violence, no nudity, no sensuality, and no drugs. There is brief reference to a man’s groin area. For more detail visit Dove's Review.

Anointed Fighters (Approved for ALL AGES) is made specifically for kids! This fun cartoon is has Kung Fu, addresses life issues such as bullying, and shows the importance and power of faith, hope, and love. For more detail visit Dove's Review.

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