Darren Wilson founded WP Films in 2006 when he started stumbling through his first feature film, Finger of God. Later, he decided to surround himself with people who were more talented than him to help create his next features, Furious Love and Father of Lights, but of course he takes all the credit for their great work. Since then, Darren has created The Greatest Fight (2015), with UFC/WWF superstar Ken Shamrock, and the two films Holy Ghost (2014) & Holy Ghost: Reborn (2015). Darren’s job description includes creating the stories, speaking and showing off the films, doing lots of interviews, planning all the shoots, and schmoozing with awesome people around the world. Darren taught for 10 years at Judson University before moving into production full time. Charisma Magazine named him one of the “21 Emerging Leaders of Tomorrow’s Church”, and DeVon Franklin, VP of Production at Columbia Pictures calls him “one of the most innovative filmmakers and authors of faith today.” He has a wonderful and long-suffering wife, Jenell, and three wonderful children, Serenity, Stryder, and River. He also has two cats (meh) and the best dogs in the world, Moses and Maui.
Who is Darren?
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