
How do I get to my download/Rental?

Through our recent switch to VHX your downloading process has been made easier than ever before!

If you never received an email after placing your order chances are you most likely signed into the WP Film account using the social media option, like Facebook.  In that case, your download/rental link was sent to the email address that your Facebook account is connected to. Please check there! Another possibility is that your email address was accidentally mistyped or a character left out when placing your order. This would completely alter where the email is sent and therefore you wouldn't receive your link. No problem, though! 

You can do one of two options:

Go to the VHX receipt that was sent directly to your email upon placing your order. Click on the blue box that says, "Start Watching Now" and it will take you directly to the movie! 

If you don't have an email to refer back to, you can go straight to VHX.TV to login to your account. If you haven't previously created an account with VHX you'll need to type in the email address you used when creating your account through the WP Films store. Once you type in your email address, VHX will send you an email prompting you to create a password for your account. Click "Sign-in now" and click the circular icon at the top right hand corner of the screen that includes the first two letters of your first name. Once you've filled-out and saved your account information, please select the white "VHX" icon at the top left of the screen. Click on your purchased download below and it will take you directly to the movie! If for some reason the download is not showing up in your library, try reloading your browser. 

If this sounds too complicated, simply shoot us an email at and Kayla will take care of you!

For further technical assistance please contact VHX



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